
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Out with the old? I'm not quite sure...

Everything has changed. Yet so much is the same. I have lost almost all my closest friends. But you don't want to hear about my dramatic, depressing life, do you now?Sadly it's all I have to talk about...I am just in a complete mood for change. I threw away half of my wardrobe today... am making plans to re-decorate my bedroom. I need a new hairstyle, I'm getting it cut, I'm going to loose weight..........I don't know why I'm doing it, it's not going to magically make me happy again....... It's not going to give me friends who accept me for who I am...... It just seems fitting though...... I don't know how I will survive in September, but alas thats life...

...but I don't know if my mood for change means bye-bye to this blog...

There's no point posting anymore, because I don't post about anything remotely interesting these days, there's no point and no one is reading anyway....

I havn't decided what I'm doing, but don't be surprised if this blog disappears... then again, I could be back....

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I did it. It may ruin my life forever. Or just my secondary school life. I can't believe I did it. Crap, here I come. With the click of a button, I set things in motion. It's a ticking clock, I'm going to loose most of my close friends and most of the people that talk to me.

I'm going to lose laughter, enjoyment, immaturity.Fuck.

welcome to my life, warning: dramatic

Okay, once again (jes, I sound like a broken record) I'm sorry for the lack of posting. I've decided to go with the flow with the whole blogging thing and will post when I feel like it, so ignore me if I don't post for weeks at a time and then do loads together! To be honest there has been nothing to post about and have been feeling to lazy to do one on books or music or general topics indetail.

Really though this is getting beyond a joke.... My so called friend, the Mad One, is still not talking to me for no fucking reason, and I swear its like having a break-up, times ten! (Well, I suppose I am in no position to imagine a breakup, having never had a proper boyfriend.)But anyhow.... It really hurts, my already teenage moodswings are even more noticably fluxuating between really sad (I will NOT use the word depressed, as i believe it to be over used out of context and therefore has lost its meaning) and pure anger. How could she do it to me? I have tried so many times to ring her or text her or mail her, but she wont answer or respond. It has been a full month since she has ceased to acknowledge any words that I speak to her. I have asked the other girls have I upset or offended her in anyway or has she decided she doesn't want to be friends with me, but they are as clueless as I am, accept the BFF who insists on telling me the Mad One is talking to me. I think she knows why. I have asked her, but she just wont tell me and denys everything.

I am so sick of this bitchy shit. I'm so fucking sick of teenage girls!

Seriously, we're Bitches....

Friday, July 16, 2010

hey guys!

Hey guys, finally returned to blogger! Sorry for the absence, there was just nothing to post about. Trust me, you would not have wanted to hear my boring, mundane ramblings. Well anyhow, I'm back, I' bad, and I'm web-wide baby!;) Sorry to all the peoples' blogs I follow, I haven't read them in my absence, but am planning a long catch up after this post.

Anyway I have read a couple of really good books lately, and plan to give some in depth detail to those, the ones I didn't like also. OMG ECLIPSE MOVIE!Did you all see it!? What can I say, the films will never measure up to the books, but definately the best film so far. Kristen really came over as Bella, much better than in the previous two movies, which I didn't like her in. She had the attitude and the emotional portrayal of Bella's feelings toward Edward and Jacobwithout being like a lovesick puppy. And the wolf pack!:O Hott! But I'm not here to talk about them, I'm neutral, like Switzerland!

I'm also looking for a new layout, but I can't get one that's just right! Any names of websites with good layouts would be appreciated!!

Best go, lots to do!

LadyBug x


(in relation to glee)

‘It’s like High School Musical, written by evil people’
Ryan Murphy, Creator/writer of Glee

Ask the internet

Just spent the past 2 hours doing quizzes on the internet. Apparently I could have OCD, an anxiety disorder, Bipolar disorder, ADD and many more

Funny part is, most of the symptoms match that of being a hormonal teenager. ah, the joys :L:L:L:P:P

Hmm... maybe I am crazy:L:P

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ah, The Joys...

I am severely pissed off, and I don't want any sympathy, I just need to vent!! I am being totally blanked by The Mad One. She just stops talking to me for no reason...Ugh! And I swear I didn't do a thing! Not intentionally anyway. Even The BFF says I didn't do anything wrong and, heck, she is as close to The Mad One as she is to me, if not closer in some respects (although she would call me her closest friend and share things with me she never told anyone else).

To say she has stopped talking to me is actually untrue, I wish she had. Some words cut like a knife... Trying to have a conversation with her was like trying to draw blood from a fucking stone.
Me:Heya, howr you?
Mad One:I dont kno...
Me:Awh, why don't you know?!:P:P (thinking she was messing)
Mad One:I just dont.
Me: any news?
Mad One:no wbu?
Me: same, I'm pretty bored...
Mad One: well Im not
These are messages from the most cheerful person I know:/... This is when I figured something was up... and its just me she's like this with, no one else... She's all happy cheery and mad... More was said between us than this single conversation, but that doesn't need to be said. Also A certain comment on a picture spoke a thousand words, a picture of the BFF, The Mad One and The One Who keeps us Sane. It read "BFFs For life, just the three of us, No one else, we will take on anything."

I'm so fucking pissed off..... I can't even explain the full situation here... just GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
One of my closest friends...
Absolutely sickened

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Sorry for the absense of blogging.... I'm not going to make up any excuse, I was just to lazy to. Completely uninspired. Summer boredom blues.....

Saturday, July 3, 2010

My Room

Hello again, inhabitants of the blogosphere! I just wanna say thanks for all the nice comments and words of wisdom on the last post, I was having a serious ponder on life and needed to express myself, and hey, whats my blog for?

Anyway, I'm sitting here in my empty feeling room. Your probably right about now wondering "Wtf?", but I took all my posters down of my walls. Yes, dare I say it, I think it's time for a bit of redecorating. I need to touch up the white paint anyway, so I've decided I want to have my room all nice by the end of the summer. But I really need help. What am I going to do with it. It is currently painted a rotten shade of pink (which I thought would turn out to be a really hot pink, but no, it looks like barbie threw up in here) on two opposite walls and white on the other two. Not a good look! I want my room to not look really childish, but i'm a bit caught. I have all my duvet covers and cushions for my current colour scheme on pink and white, with a bit of orange thrown in here and there. And some of them were kinda expensive and we only moved into this house two years ago, and i took me ages to do my room, so all my stuff is relatively new. so i'm thinking I might just go for the proper hot, hot pink paint I wanted and keep the same. Oh I'm so confused! Any help, suggestions or advice on the matter would be greatly appreciated!

Monday, June 28, 2010

How and Why?

How do you know your making the right decision? When we were younger our parents told us to do the right thing...but how do we be certain which path is correct?Lines that were previously clear cut now blur, each side much the same as the other. If they both have rivers to cross and hurdles to jump, how do we know which path will spit us out alive at the other end. How do we know we haven't chosen the wrong path, taking us away from our true destination. How do you struggle, needing to know which decision was right, when both end in tears, loss and permanent change. When both result in grief and hardship, which one does one choose. When the bridge behind you collapses and you must choose one way forward, where do you go?

Surely when you make a truly right decision, you shouldn't have major regrets? Every decision I have made is haunted with regrets and curiosity. "What if..." What if I had taken other decisions, where would I be now! Would I have any regrets? The older I get, the more I regret. Surely decisions shouldn't be this hard. And then it hits me...

Maybe the decisions aren't meant to be this hard, but maybe I made all the wrong ones...

How can a single human be this useless and depressing?
How can you be so worthless?
Why am I invisible?
Why is it my fault?
Why do I keep saying sorry?
Why am I not good enough for anyone?

Everything is always me

Oh, don't ask me difficult questions like what I want to name my blog post at this early hour of the morning when I'm pissed off!

Well hello, long time no see! I must apologise for my absense from blogging this past week, I was in the ghaeltacht. *Yes, shortest stay EVER in the wilds of the Irish countryside, but I shall explain further down.* So no, I'm not M.I.A., While I was frantically running aroung the house last sunday packing, my computer refused to oblige me and work for the five minutes I needed it! Typical!

Anyhow, I have returned from the 'Big G' (as "The BFF" christened it) early because I was/am sick. So I'm kind of dissappointed now.......*depressed face*I mean it wasn't like it was amazing or anything, but I just think we didn't pick well when going there, as it was very weather depending in regards to water sports. I have this horrible nagging feeling at me now because of the fees that were paid, and I don't get the jumper I ordered now ( well even if my friends bring it home for me, where is the point in wearing when if someone asks I say that I was only there for a week. Shameful ) and I feel very unaccomplished!:( I was going to go back down today, but after talking to my friends on the phone lastnight, I decided what is the point. I've missed 4 days if I go back and they said they are so bored down there and want to come home. And i'm not better or anything, I've just improved since the day I came home. So there is virtually no point going back whem I'm still sick and everyone down there hates it...

Also, I got a sneaking feeling when I was on the phone lastnight to the BFF that I'm not wanted down there. After I said I was comming back, the conversation of plesanteries immediately dropped... I had a fight with her on the second day down there, but I thought that was resolved... Maybe not. I just feel so down right now, because I was looking forward to a great time in the Gaeltacht, telling everyone I was going and now I'm back and have to tell everyone that I'm back. I refuse to be seen in my town and have only gotten out of the car once; to go to the doctor. I feel like a big baby and everyone will laugh at me though.... I feel as if I'm not supposed to be here....Mam actually said no that she wouldn't bring me back down after I told her about the phone call with the BFF as I spent the entire time on the phone in tears to her the evening of the fight....

*sorry for the worst post ever, i just needed to let my feelings out...
Also, apologies for the poor writing, I'm too down to care...


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hi, It's very nice to meet you...

Okay, so several blogs I'm reading say it can be hard to follow a blog if you know nothing about the author etc. So I hav decided to give you all a little information about me, aren't you blessed!:P

  • My middle name is Kathleen. Both my first and middle names are after both my grannies. (Sorry, I'm not giving you my first name, but if someone who knows me finds me, it would be waaay too embarrassing.)
  • I'm a nerd and I kind of like school. Sometimes. Yes, shoot me. I'm kind of smart,I won't deny myself that much
  • I don't have a clue what I want to do with my life, I feel so unaccomplished.
  • I have four amazing really close friends, refered to in this blog as "The BFF", "The Old Friend", "The Mad One" and "The One That Keeps Us Sane".
  • My parents are seperated, and my Dad is an utter idiot, even his own family think that of him, but I still love him, sometimes.
  • My room is barbie pink on two walls, the paint turned out the wrong colour!grrr!
  • My favourite books are "Harry Potter" and "The Twilight Saga". Yes, call me a cliche.
  • If I could live on tea and chocolate, I would. The tea must be in pretty mugs/cups.
  • I have horrible, brown-blonde, frizzy, slightly wavy hair (when I don't attack it with the straightners) and blue eyes.
  • All I used to ever wear was black,grey or denim, but I'm starting to wear normal clothes now, I don't know why. I miss my black!:(

Anyway, thanks for reading

Yours truly,


Monday, June 14, 2010

I don't want to be
just stereotypical,
Fit in the box,
From the outside
I will always be
The same person
that everyone sees
judge me upon
your first sight
talk about me
and think it's alright.
I might be different,
But you won't think
To see beyond
Whats plain in ink.
I hope and yearn
that you will learn
to look a little closer
because how I feel
Barely concealed,
I put out there for you.
The world keeps turning
nothing changes,
life just goes on.
But for me I always be
that ugly, fat horrific nerd.
But you don't even see me like that
a person with a face
I'm a no name in the crowd
just another number.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Music brings an amazing meaning to life. It is the language of the soul. Music expresses the things words fail us for. It is such a pure and emotional thing.I look to music to bring meaning to my life. When you listen to a song, sometimes the emotions it expresses can have a total mood altering effect; it can either cheer you up or make you upset.

The other night, I was feeling quite down and afraid. I didn't know what to do, and I turned on my ipod to listen to in hope of some consolation. Through music I found comfort, sadness, and so many other emotions I couldn't put a name on, I just knew they were there. Music gives me so much and I give thanks that I can hear it.

Music is magical, but not all songs are true music. Yeah, sure they're geat to listen to, but sometimes when you turn down the volume they don't sound all that good. Music that touches your very soul is a gift, not hard to find but sometimes forgotten. I love to sing, and when I sing I feel like I'm soaring, and everything else just melts away. When something bad happens, I've had a stressful week or a crap day, it just makes it go away for a while. The raw power and emotion just pours out and your voice resonates around you, clearing your head. I get a happinesss from it, a high, and if I couldn't sing, I don't know what I would do.

On some occaisions, music just makes me feel empowered and free.

Some songs or lyrics just make you feel, and here are some of my favourites:
(my apologies, the video upload won't work. ^~^)

Cosmic Love- Florence&The Machine

It ain't me babe- Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash

Don't stop believing- Journey

Let It Die- Foo Fighters

Little Lion Man- Mumford and Sons

Dog Days are over- Florence & The Machine

Welcome to the Black Parade-My Chemical Romance

Good Riddance-Green Day

I've Gotta Feeling- Black Eyed Peas

Don't Rain on my parade- ( :( don't know original musical)

You've Got The Love- Florence & the Machine

Hereos or Ghosts- The Coronas

Number One- Tinchy Stryder ft. N-Dubz

All Good Things- Nelly Furtado

So, I just want to say Thank You For The Music,

Friday, June 11, 2010

I found love......

...In the form of chocolate!
They're called "Cadbury Crunchie Rocks".
The perfect combination of cornflakes, bits of crunchie, all covered in chocolate.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Funny Quote

(The Princess Diaries, Give me Five, Page 129)
"Oh you know, the usual. Boris must have cracked under all the pressure AHES teachers put on us, and why can't the administration cancel finals like they did in Harry Potter Two. Only she didn't listen, because it's not like anyone is dead, or a giant snake was chasing us around, or anything."

Monday, June 7, 2010

Lazy day + Randoms

Bank Holiday Mondays, got to love 'em! Spent the whole day doing nothing! Wow, I hav 10 followers, thank you guys! Summer has finally begun; lazy days and pouring rain, so I promise to try and write some interesting posts as I have nothing else to do.

Okay, I need your help with something. I have to get a weird thing on my eye tested so one eye is going to be bandaged and really sore for a few days afterwards (i'm getting it done this week) and I'm wondering does anyone know any good ways of passing the time when you can't look at things all that well?

I'm so excited, caus although I'll have to leave the blog-o-sphere for two whole weeks (sob), I'm going to the Ghaeltacht (remote area where you have to speak Irish the WHOLE time, for those who don't know) for two weeks! I'm heading soon, with three of my closest friends , and although I don't know what to expect , I can't wait! Hot boys; ooh la la! :D

I apologise for the poor writing skills and lack of flow in this post, I'm really tired!;)Without any further babbling, I give you some randoms
  • Song of the day: Hey, Soul Sister- Train
  • Favourite Grey's Anatomy episode: Season 4 episode 5
  • Guilty pleasures: Mark's and Spencer Gluten free Chocolate cake, Turning off my alarm last night so it wouldn't go off this morning(I forgot last friday!:( ), Lying in bed listening to the rain
  • Current Book: Princess diaries. Had NOTHING to read so started to reread it this morning, Nearly finished it already!
  • Food of the day: Kellogs Rice Crispies= yum!!

Nothing more to say, sorry to bore you :P



Saturday, June 5, 2010

This Is The Story Of A Girl

Hello Blog-o-sphere,missed me much? Nah, doubt it...:P

Okay so let us get down to buissness. I have a story. I story I need to tell. It makes up a lot of me and yet, very few people know the full of it... I totally understand if you don't want to read it, because it's going to be a long, depressing post. I was inspired to do this when I read a very deep post on the blog "confessions of a teenage blogger". So here goes...This is my story...

Rewind three and a half years, to when I was eleven, in fifth class. Although I live just outside a town, my mam didn't want me to go to the school in town, so she sent me to a school five minutes down the road,a country school.In fifth class there were four girls in my class and two in sixth of whom we were friends with. My best friend was, well we'll call her B, in the same class as me. We had been best friends since senior infants, first class? Anyway the other two girls in our class were best friends too, and by some quirk, aunt and niece aswell. Anyway you get the picture, the two in sixth class were BFs also. Life was great, we laughed, we had fun, we gossiped, we played...until the year that changed everything.

At the start of fifth, we started hanging out with the two sixth class girls. They decided that it would be much cooler to go around at break in two separate groups, one sixth , two fifth. One of each BFF in each group. I was too stupid and gullible to refuse it. I was in the weaker of the two groups. It started that the other group would come and drag the girl from 6th class in our group off and me and one of the "twins"(two girls that were related) would be left by ourselves. I never got on as well with this girl as I did with any of the others in my class and she hated me, so it never really went down well. We would just stalk around complaining about what was going on, sometimes her BFF being left with us and me totally on the outside.

It didn't take long for B and me to grow apart. She still pretended to be my friend, even though we knew in their seccluded little group they were talking about us. You see, I was the natural outsider anyway. All these girls lived within walking distance of eachother. Their parents were all friends, went to mass, were all involved in the community things. I was the girl from near the town, more involved with that community.I was uncool, the biggest weirdo ever because I was smart, even though B was too, and done some of the sixth class work with them in fifth class. They hated me for that, I couldn't help what I was made to do, and they hated me. I was the girl who wouldn't swear or break the rules. I was the fat one, the ugly one. I was the weirdo.

Eventually the other girl an our group was getting dragged off too. I was alone. They'd make snide jokes and if I said the wrong thing, wouldn't come near me. Some how the boys even sensed this freeze out. I was never popular with them but a few of them started calling me fat, one of the boys in my class continously calling me a heffer (a female cow). I was at my lowest. I was so sad and depressed the whole time, and thought some pretty dark things, but I don't want to go back there. My "best friends" were bitches (who's not too goody-goody to swear now!). I suffered in silence. I thought it would pass. We all done a drama project together, and they all laughed at me because I got a boy's part. It was the lead role and I didn't care, I was discovering my love for drama. After the show, the girl heading the project asked me to come and join her big drama classes. I was extatic, she didn't ask any of the others though. I was stupid enough to tell them and they wouldn't speak to me, so I never went out of guilt. That is one of my biggest regrets. I loved being on stage, it made me feel alive.

They got worse and worse to me, snarky comments aloud and to my face. B even stole my watch one day and wouldn't give it back. We fought (phsically) and our principal (and teacher)stood infront of us, ignorant to her pulling my hair so hard my head was near the tarmac. They told me I was usless in football and camogie matches and insisted I stole one of the girl's pens,when I didn't. I went through hell on a daily basis, and I told no one; no one cared. The stupid teachers didn't notice me crying alone in the schoolyard. They didn't care because they were all part of the area community clique, and I wasn't...

One day I found strength. I refused to go to school and I told mam the fundamentals (not the whole story, obviously). I felt too vunerable to spill everything. I couldn't stand that feeling. Mam went up to the school and talked to the principal. He told her it would be dealt with and that another girl was having the same problem. It was one of "the twins", the nicer one. Nothing was done and life stayed the same. One Friday I got up and said I wasn't going in, and that was it, mam moved me. She was sending me to the school in town. It was finally over. I made friends. I was happy. It had been so long I forgot what happy was.

I go to secondary school with those girls now, and I see them every day. They don't bother me now, but will still hold a secret hate for eachother. They are now the popular ones in our year, but i don't strife for popularity, because in this town it equates with people who get pregnant young, have children by many different fathers and aspire to nothing. I mean these girls have decent families, but they're going out with the likes. And don't get me wrong, not a lot of people in the town are like as described or the school isn't dodgey, it's just the small minority of these in our year are popular. These girls (well the ones in my year, not the ones in the year above) don't care about their grades, reports, reputations, honours classes, detention etc. Their parents probably don't have a clue. B's mum thought we were still best friends and didn't know why I moved school. I think it's upsetting, because I know B is very intelligent and she doesn't care.

I'm a different person though now because of it. I'm in no way vunerable, I can't let myself. so people think I'm hard or threatning.I built a wall around me for protection, and now I don't know how to get out. Some people won't disagree with me because they're scared of me and I hate it. I can't tell them why, but I'm working on it. I had to tell this, because I need someone to understand. I'm not a bitch all the time, and I'm not self centered.

So for people being bullied, don't suffer in silence. There's a way out, even if it seems a long road.

But............................................Sometimes I can't help but wonder, where I would be if I had have stuck it out? Would I be where I am now? Would I be popular? Would it have ended? The girl who supposedly had trouble aswell is still friends with them and happy. Would it have been the same for me?


Thursday, June 3, 2010


Ahhh!! I'm so excited! Tests are over! No more study! I don't care if I failed anything!!(Okay maybe I do a little bit!) I don't care that I done sooo Shit in Tech Graph, even though I love it and not bragging, but im actually kinda good at it!(like seriously I got a B and ya should have seen the look the teacher gave me!Daggers )I Don't care!! Lalalalalalalalalalalala Roll on summer!!


Worry never robs
Tommorow of its
It only saps today
Of its strength

Sunday, May 30, 2010


"It's like we're on a train that's going two hundred miles per hour.It'd be so nice just to get off...stand on the platform, just for a minute." (Grey's Anatomy, Series 3, episode 24)
*Wow, that's exactly how I feel right now.It's just your average sunday morning,I'm in bed and i'm about to get up and do some study(I didn't get round to it yesterday, Shhhh!)anyhow, Adios Amigos!!xxxx

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Just why?!Why does everything feel so bad,when nothing's really wrong?School's nearly over that should make me happy, but I'm not.I feel in a very expressive mood and yet I don't know how to express it...
The weird thing is, before I actually started this blog, I had millions of good ideas for it...and now they've gone out the window. So now I have a Blog that sounds so self abssorbed because it's all about me and my life, and that wasn't really the intention.I feel in a mood to post, but about what I don't know!*I should really shut up now!*
I will not post until im in a better mood,and I actually do some study this weekend!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


please read post at the end!!!xxx

aaaaahhhhhh!I'm brain dead! Just spent three and a half solid hours studying...I'm so busy and so tired.

I posted two random posts lastnight and didn't get to explain myself ,so here goes. I occasionally write poetry.Usually it's depressing and dull because I only feel the need to express my feelings in such a way when I'm down. I put down the pen for about a year though, and completely forgot about it until something snaped inside me on monday and all of a sudden, I had two poems written in the old notebook. I had some confused emotions about this, but the first one is about rediscovering the pen and the ability to write poetry.The other one is just how I was feeling the other night.Just don't judge them too much, they're my most inner emotions poured into words and although they're personal, I don't know, I just felt the need to share.

In other news, I'm having a mental breakdown about summer tests, any help appreciated!Also I earned a new nickname in school about a week or two ago; a few of the lads started calling me "Google".Apparently I know everything. Someone could have told me this before, then I wouldn't need the drama about the tests!;) The nickname is kinda starting to annoy me though, I don't know how to stop them! There's no malice intended, but it's really annoying. Any ideas?Am I too sensitive or would that annoy you? Anyway, please comment, and I leave you with some pictures!:

For some reason my pictures went to the top!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Air is gone.
To what,
I don't know,
I'm holding on
Time is gone,
There's nothing left,
Just heat, preassure.
It's all in my head

A New Beginning

I draw the old sword,
Ready for battle,
To go back
To an old forgotten way.
I sharpen the blade
Polish it up
feel its weight in my hand.
I feel the groves in the hilt,
Built as made to fit
Only one.
I am awed
But scared to rediscover,
It galls me so
How quickly I forgot.
I bagin again
All anew
Feel the magic flow,
Remember the responsability
I already know
And wonder,
Am I ready?

Monday, May 24, 2010


oh fly, oh fly,
oh why, oh why,
are you in my room at 11 at night?
I'm really annoyed
as your managing to avoid
my attemp to kill you.
you're really pissing* me off
And I look like an eejit
Waving aroung a rug plan in the air

I don't normally swear, poet's license!:P

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Oh. My. Goodness. Do my eyes decieve me or is that sun I see? Yes, it is actually sun,in Ireland. It's a gorgeous sunny weekend, and correct me if i'm wrong, I believe temperatures in the midlands are up to 27 or 28 degrees celsius.Everything should be perfect, but where am I, inside about to tackle my homework.. this sucks:(:(:(:(

Monday, May 17, 2010

"Clumsy 'cause I've fallen in love...."

dadadada... well not quite as interesting as falling in love... just Clumsy!

warning: I cannot be held responsible for anything I say or do in this post as I got hit on the head pretty darn hard!x

I had the most random day ever today, the most interesting of it started today after lunch in pe. I was so frustrated beacuse this socially slow guy in my class (well sort of my friend, a nerdy buddy) interuppted my important conversation to my friend to tell me "hi". I decided to express my frustration by doing something funny so in the dressing room I kicked my shoe off and sent in flying in the air until it got lodged above the showers and refused to come down!We were all laughing so hard, I hit my nose of the BFF's head!STRIKE1
Anyhow, we were playing tennis in pe,not my favourite thing, I'm a badminton kind of girl, and somehow, my intuition told me it wasn't going to end well... One of the other girls in my class thought it was comical to go aroung pinching people, who were, might I add brandishing tennis rackets. So this idiot decided to pinch my BFF, who was holding her racket idle, the only weapon she had. In part of the joke and self defense, the BFF swung back the racket, ready to strike................................................. when the racket hit me in the jaw!STRIKE2!Ouch! Anyway I got an ice pack and sat out of pe for the rest of it.
I was well on the mend and decided there was no way I was going to Irish with the Ice Pack, so came out of the changing room and went looking for our pe teacher for my friend to tell me she was gone. I thought she might be putting the equipment in the store in the gym, so I pulled open the door and...........STRIKE 3,the door split me on the head!I bawled and laughed all at the same time, and needless to say, I didn't get to abandon the ice pack, I got to walk into Irish, ten minutes late, with an egg shaped bruise on my head... Not at all embarrassing, since the story had spread and our pe teacher had to "escort" me to irish to explain my complete lack of punctuality....In the end I left school early, the shame, so I'm at home, not a shread of my homework completed, bump on my head, and another 4 episodes of "Grey's Anatomy" series 3 rewatched.....

Bye for now,
your lady bug and her bump on her head!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

the sweet blogger award!Xx

Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! I just got my first blog award from Mizz Ali at Random Gorgeouznezz and I want to thank her so much and she writes one of the most "gorgeouz" blogs!!I'm not exactly sure how many people to give it to so here goes...
Ace-Of-Aoife. at 'Ace-Of-Aoife'
Amii-Louise at Hello Fascination.
Indigo at Indigo.
AnnaMcGarry at Annalee McGarry

Sunday, May 9, 2010

busy bee!

aaaahhhh!!!!! I'm recked tired! I've been so busy all weekend; it was my cousin's confirmation yesterday and had a lovely "family" dinner today! I have been so busy lately it's not even funny! I've had so much homework and i'm still not in the habit of doing it. It's seriously scary!!! We hav summer tests in 3 weeks and I haven't done any work in ages !ugh! I think maybe its time to begin the military operation of clearing my desk! my room is a total kip!! lol ! I hardley even have time to post decent posts on this! its sickening!!
Anyway guys, I just want to say thanks to my whole 6 followers(including me ;D) you guys rock! six might not seem like a lot, but it is to me!!I mean six people actually read this!! (wow, ye must be bored!!;D:D:D;:L:L:L ^_^oj)but seriously thanks for the follows and comments, keep em comin!!! lve ye!! mwah!!
hahaha I'm so tired I'm not even making sense! the next time i go on this and read this I'll probably be saying what the hell was I writing! niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighty niite!!! hehehehehehehehehe ^_^ ^_^,

your lovely ladybug!xxxx

Friday, May 7, 2010


Thanks for the tag Elenor! greatly appreciated!!
so lets get going......

7 things about mee

  • when most people hear my name, they think i'm a boy!
  • I'm a total nerd! braces?ya! Glasses?ya! like school? sorta ya! love to read?ya! love computers! check! get mostly As and Bs?ya(its not like i study much)lol!
  • I love twilight AND Harry Potter! please stop the war between them!sob!
  • im allergic to wheat, oats, cats and grass!
  • I LOVE to sing! cant even xplain the feeling
  • I have a cute little red heart mouse plugged into my laptop!
  • my favourite school subjects are technical graphics, music, maths and english

100 THINGS I love

  1. Chocolate
  2. Reading
  3. books
  4. singing
  5. harry potter
  6. twilight
  7. tea
  8. greys anatomy
  9. computers
  10. Farmville
  11. facebook
  12. potato salad
  13. glee
  14. Desperate housewives
  15. ghd(what would us fuzzy head nerds do?)
  16. Pokemon games on the nintendo Ds
  17. Nintendo Ds
  18. River Island
  19. Shopping
  20. Marc Jacobs
  21. Mac
  22. phone
  23. Technology
  24. Music
  25. Ipod
  26. Beyonce
  27. Paramore
  28. Ugly Betty
  29. genius gluten free bread
  30. House of night series
  31. Frosties(the sweets not the cereal)
  32. Rice crispies
  33. Bourjuis
  34. Inhailors(otherwise breathing would be limited!:L:L:P)
  35. Pandora
  36. My real diamond and gold necklace:D
  37. Guitar
  38. Taylor Lautner
  39. Tork chocolates from longford!:D:D
  40. tork hot chocolate
  41. Any hot chocolate
  42. SUGAR!
  43. scrubs(tv show)
  44. GREEN DAY!!!!!!
  45. blogging
  46. Reading blogs
  47. Free classes in school
  48. listening 2music
  49. Dundrum
  50. Mallorca (majorca)
  51. sun
  52. snow
  53. my friends
  54. mine and the BFF's shared locker!! with our exploding apple and pretty portrait!!!Lmao
  55. Nail varnish
  56. Daisy by marc jacobs
  57. Pennys (primark)
  58. the script
  59. Robert pattinson
  60. my heart shaped mouse
  61. chad micheal murry
  62. MCR!! my chemical romance
  63. LADY GAGA!!
  64. My sisters keeper (book)
  65. The shadow of the wind ( book)
  66. Blue bloods series
  67. Roxy
  68. vanilla scented candles
  69. Gucci
  70. Badmintom
  71. SHOES
  72. Basketball
  73. random socks
  74. coloured skinny jeans
  75. CSI( i even hav a hoody with my town name!:L:P)
  76. Hairybaby.com
  77. Asos.com
  78. Superdrug!! (everything's so cheap in pounds!)
  79. handbags
  80. Double musics and tech graphs
  81. Dresses
  82. The Blizzards
  83. My Dell inspiron 1525(navy!)
  84. my pink room!
  85. The coronas
  86. Dan Brown's books
  87. my followers!! mwah!!
  88. my journal
  89. Maths
  90. a good bookshop with a good atmosphere
  91. Cambridge, the whole town/city
  92. ribbed vests
  93. My mammy!xxxx
  94. My family
  95. dark chocolate
  96. My neighbours across the road, so good to us!xx
  97. i102-104
  98. itunes
  99. amie skincare
  100. weekends!(made for reading and shopping)

phew!! finally im finished! I tag:

Ali from Random Gorgeouznezz

Amii-Louise at Hello Fascination.

Indigo at Indigo.

Jennifer at *Welcome To My World* -

AnnaMcGarry at Annalee McGarry

AnyOtherWay at Confessions of a Teenage Blogger XD

BLINGLICIOUs at Random Awesomeness!!


Leanne Woodfull at THUNDER + THREADS

and even though she tagged me first,EleanorLight at Musings of an Undiscovered Genius , cause she writes one helluva blog!( and also i dont hav any more people to pu down!!)lol

half the above aren't even followers! so if ya know them tell em to get their asses over here!!:L:L ah il comment them sure!!


7 things about yourself

100 things you love

tag ten people!

got that!?

Until next time,



your one and only ladybug!


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

You may or may not know, but....

okay here we go...;)This is a very boring story involving me and a bottle of shampoo...hmmm

*Random Fact:I have a wheat allergy. I'm NOT a coeliac, which is the inability to digest the protein Gluten, found in wheat, oats, barley, rye and some other things.I have an actual allergy to wheat, involving an immune response, even if its on my skin, not an inability to digest it... in plain english it's just different, like a nut allergy but less severe.

This morning getting dressed i noticed my skin on my neck and face was all raised and bumpy, like little spots, or an allergic rash.I was afraid it was my make up so I refrained from using any. I showed it to my mam, and also my sister who knows a lot about stuff like that (she's a biomedical scientist) who asked if I had changed any of my products, to which I replied no. I was getting pretty worried at this stage as it had started behind my ears and, the hypercondraic I am, was worried i was devolping measles, even though i had no other symptoms.

Anyway long story short, I realised I HAD changed my shampoo, as I used Loreal's full restore 5 (the one with the cheryl cole ad) instead of my usual Loreal with royal jelly as it was all i could get last time i was shopping. i still doubted what effect this would have so i decided showering and washing my hair again was no harm (but obvs with a different shampoo). In the shower though, to my horror I discovered what the cause was when out of curiosity i read the back of the shampoo bottle. It contained a curious little ingredient called "Hydroxypropyl hydrolyzed wheat protein". The cause of my little unwelcome friend!

Sorry for the boring post but i hav to say this somewhere because i'm so amazed! What is the need to put wheat in shampoo!! its not in the royal jelly one!! why loreal, why!?! i already cant eat most decent foods, and now i cant use shampoos too! shouldnt you at least put a warning on the bottle!!!!............Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Monday, April 26, 2010


Long day, really tired! I still havn't got back into the whole routine of school after Easter!:P!I'm to lazy to post a proper post so heres some randoms!

This week i'm facinated with....

  • The fact my pyjama shorts i made in Home Economics in school fit my mam OVER a Pair of jeans!:L:L(i'm about a size 8 shes about a size 12, nearer a 14!)
  • The fact Farmville on Facebook implies you can harvest a horse!hmmmmm.......
  • REPUBLIC OF TELE! hahaha that is one legand of a program!
  • the fact i went into pennys(primark) with 41.50 yesterday and came out with 15 euro change after buying 2 pairs of shorts,a tee-shirt, a dress and two pairs of flip-flops!! I <3>

Omg I have followers!!Thank you guys sooooo much!I <3>

Inspirational Quote

"Trust your hopes, not your fears"

I picked that up today, I thought it was nice especially if your feeling down or fearful, hope it makes you feel the way i did when I heard it!

thanks for tuning in!:D

until next time,



Saturday, April 24, 2010

Typing Error!:L

oh my shit!!! there's a major typo in my blog title!!=O i know how to spell fascination but instead its facination of all things random!! So great, everyone probably thinks I'm a dope!!:L Wonderful!! I should really practice my typing!! heeheehee.........;)

Friday, April 23, 2010

This Weeks Best.......


  • t.v. program: okay i couldn't pick one or the other so it's totally a draw between "Glee " and "Grey's Anatomy" they were so brill this week!=P "I thought I smelled cookies from the ovens of the little elves who live in your hair" legand!=P

  • Song: Dog days are over , Florence ant the Machine. One word= addicted!

  • Book: Blue bloods. It was good light reading. I originally thought it was taking the rip out of twilight with the vamp thing but i was actually published in 2005 in the US!! loved it!

  • Website: Facebook and of course Blogger!!

  • Moment: Yesterday, when I sung properly at singing for the first time in months.......I felt like I was flying it felt so good!:D

  • Funny Moment:when our history teacher started taliking about domes in the renaissance when she meant arches for about a solid ten minutes!=L dopey!!

  • Bad news: dear selfish bankers, you better be listening.You have killed music. With your selfishness and greed making the country broke and fall into a recission, many small buisnesses have shut down, Among these, Athlone school of Music. Most tutors are still giving lessons privately so I still have singing, but you've killed the spirit of something that ties many dissimilar people together. No longer will there be a place full of tutors, instruments, equipment and people willing to learn. There might even be people who put down their instruments because of this, you sicken me. yours truly.

Well all I can say to the school itself is thank you, you made me realise my love for music. To all the teachers, Good Luck!

So I Say, Thank you for the Music, for giving it to me!;):(

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Caus' you had a bad day....

Woke up on top of the world this morning....and it kinda all went downhill from there....=L I have to say though, it was a very funny day...When I brushed my teeth this morning, I somehow magaged to get toothpaste ALL over my school skirt!=L :( :)
My eyemake-up goes really wrong so instead of the slightly smokey look, i looked like a raccoon ready for a disco. I rushed to get eye make up remover when mam shouts up to me "it's nearly nine" (school starts at 9:10). not going well so far, and then when I get into the car, to top it off i notice two white blobs on my skirt. Straight toothpaste from where i was leaning over the sink plucking my eyebrows. Uh-oh... I manage to get the worst of it off but to hide the white i have to hike my school skirt up so far i look sooo trashy=O
At this stage I'm nearly in tears. I'm walking down the avenue to school, texting mam furiously, expressing my anger so I won't cry. (I'm pretty close to mam) I meet my friends walking by the door of the school and they tell me they'll follow me down to my locker in a minute. I go to my locker and The Mad One is there. The BFF and The Old Friend arrive, just as they said they would....And then something amazing happens.......
Just at that moment i realised how stupid I was and how funny everything was and I began laughing with my friends.... Funny the difference the people around you make.
And ii guess that whatever is going to happen to you happens to you good and bad, it's your perception and your reation to what happens make the major difference. I have to admit, random things kept happening to me all day (there was a student council photo taken, of course when i looked awful, my hand has a bruise in the form of purple spots thanks to The BFF's idea to play slaps in history, my ass hurts thanks to The Mad One's idea to re-invent the latter game so you slap the other person on the bum and because there was no stool for me in home ec so i shared with a friend til i fell off and ended up on the floor=L=D) but i laughed them all off and I think i survived the day pretty darn good!;)
Until next time,


Omg, well I got a letter from the irish collage I will be attending during the summer explaining the rules, and for some reason it's suddenly so real and so close! I'm heading in roughly two months and I'm kinda excited as I'm a first-timer to the ghaeltacht. Anybody have a good idea of the things you really need to bring?It's fairly watersports based. Please comment. Ahhhhhhh im really excitedd to be going but i'm scared of being away from home for the first long period of time I feel so like a big baby but I do enjoy my home comforts very much, thank you! I'm afraid though, as I am going with three friends that I will get homesick and they won't!I'm not a very sporty person either and what if i'm not able for the bog-walking and Hill-walking involved.Basically, what if it is my living hell!? I really want to stick it for the benifits to my irish( which, btw, is ALRIGHT, but i have a useless teacher in school and I do want to keep up HL and do well in the JC.) Up to this I've been really looking forward to the ghaeltacht but now, for the first time I'm beginning to have doubts.
Well either way, the Ghaeltacht better prepare, mar ta me ag teacht!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

no followers and total writers block= v bad day(well week, month year, whatever!)

well I hav absolutely no followers accept myself which really is pathetic!! Any ideas how to get some, well i guess if i got a response to that, i wouldn't hav that problem!=P Not having the best time of at lately although i guess i should be happy....theres nothing major wrong but im just not myself!!:( I hav total writers block lateley so i havnt even got to post one decent blogs at all and yet when i thought of starting a blog up( i was inspired by leanne woodful's interview in kiss) wonderful interful i had some kinda good ideas but they dont really apply any more! I just don't seem to hav time anymore to use the computer, or even write in my journal! And this sounds like the most stupid thing ever but i can't sing! (Okay let me explain, this is like not being able to breathe for me, one word; impossible!)I've had a kind of cold thing for ages and like something in my voice so i feel like part of me is gone, i don't even sing along to the radio any more! or my ipod!i'm like lifeless!:( and now in the time i spent writing this post i only have ten minutes left to do my homework before ugly betty! I really ought to do that, I'll be back in a while!
P.S. I won't be negitive any more, i just had to vent! please add me,I promise this Blog won't always be this shit!
Your friend,

Sunday, April 11, 2010

.well hello there!!
It has been a week and a few days since i've posted, but i have been not doing anything worth writing about so i didn;t want to write an awfully boring post!But I'M BACK!!;)=D!!
Easter was pretty good for me.I ate easter egg until I almost puked,watched an old desperate housewives boxset and done all those usual random things that are accepteble during school holidays!!
I went to our local teenage disco(which was alright, all things considered!) and stayed in one of my closest friend's house with another of my friends(3 of us in total). These 2 friends of mine and myself are all heading to the beautiful back of beyond this summer, to learn irish, wehey roll on the ghealteacht!!;)I'm not sure i'm actually looking foreward to this two-week experience with two of my best friends but, thank the lord, another of my best freinds, The One Who Keeps Us Sane, is comming too! When she told me she was comming,I was over the moon because as much as i love my two best friends,the BFF and The Mad One, when they get together,I suddenly become transparent.I never confided this in either of them, because I don't want it blown into something complete disproportionate, but The One Who Keeps Us Sane, being very observant, knows exactly how I feel, having similar experiences with them.When she told me she was coming, she added int the text and when they do their mad stuff you won't be left out! Upon seeing this,a feeling I'm not used to arose within me, "i have friends". Well anyway back to the original point of this story, when i first saw the text message i thought i was greatful, boy, am i soooo greatful now! You see the day after the disco, in The Mad One's house, we went for a walk in the country, and never mind becoming transparent, here i became invisible!.....
Walkin through the fields of the country in wellies started out great... until we got to the quarry. You see The Mad One is very sporty and a bit of an adrenaline junkie, an the BFF is a girlie girl but well acustomed to being out on the farm and for some reason has no fear in her. So upon comming across a wall of rocks, they decide to climb it. You see, I suppose i do analyse things a bit too much, and definately I have a lot of fear. I thought of all the consequences of climbing those rocks upon first sight, but my two friends, being normal teenagers, decided risking their lives was a brilliant idea. So, of course me being a bit of a killjoy, would only climb a little of it!(well, okay being truthful i wasn't able to climb and higher) and all i got from the two friends was "omg isn't this so fun!" I stood for a good hour watching two of my best friends completely ignore me except when I wanted more pictures taken of them! And as much as I love these two girls, this did hurt just a little. They almost left me to go to the shop for ten mins but i think the BFF copped i wasn't impressed so she came down to me. But yet she was able to say "Omg, I can't wait for the ghealteacht, we'll be doin this sort of thing every day" My thoughts: Woo-frickin-hooo

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

sick and sooo bored!!

so i am really bored, and of course, i'm sick for the easter holidays :( so i can't do much!! i'm so bored at the mo so i've come up with a list of things to do when your sick!!


  1. SLEEP!!!seriously, i couldn't find nything better to do yesterday (i also hav an infection in my eye so it hurts to look at things for too long which basically rules out everything!!)
  2. Watch tv. not very original and quite boring! best thing to watch are repeats of scrubs(hilarious) the simpsons and thank god lastnight ugly betty, greys anatomy and desperate houswives was on rte lastnight!
  3. Read. if you dont hav any good books to read re-read Harry Potter, Twilight or any thing u like( I'm actually gonna post a list of all my favourite books soon!) the It Girl books are good when your sick(the plots aren't too thick
  4. facebook or bebo! (or any social networking site!) look through friends old picture albums(so funny) try out new apps, re arrange your friends, get a new skin/layout or design one yourself
  5. farmville on facebook. somehow its so addictive and fun but also totally stupid!
  6. Videogames root out your old favourates that you havn't played in weeks/ months / years eg. super mario, pokemon(i know really sad but you can't deny a good game) simpsons hit and run, sims the list goes on.........
  7. Write in a journal(if you don'k keep one, give it a try!) a poem, a story or a song. suprisingly quite entertaining!
  8. Play a musical instrument this one is great, it didn't hurt my eyes! if you havn't played in ages, maybe its time to practice! if you own a guitar, put your ipod on shuffle and try to play whatever random song comes on (you'll be surprised how many songs you can play!
  9. look up random things on the internet read blogs, yahoo answers, funny vids on youtube, blog whatever ya want!
  10. Talk to your mam if ya can't find anything else to do, why not!
  11. shop for clothes on the internet if ya can't leave the house to shop, don't miss out!!
  12. watch movies or tv box sets

Monday, March 29, 2010

My First Post!

Hey all,
So....., this is probably going to be the shittest, most random, least followed blog of all time....And do i care!?! (probably a little about the latter)! i created this blog as an outlet for my thoughts!( and hopefully to hear your thoughts on some things!) I enjoy reading(my life), writing(sometimes, journal keeping;deffo, essays 4 school!;mostly no!!), using the computer(btw,im a total nerd!;):L), singing(i couldnt live without it) , watching desperate housewives+Ugly Betty+Greys anatomy+Glee! and i love fashion!so this blog is going to be a little of me and my thoughts on everything from fashion, books, magazines, hair and makeup, films, music, quotes ,my life, and my gereral opinion on things!Please follow me!!
Can't wait to blog in the future!
P.S. Please comment on any good blogs to follow or suggestions, i'm new to this!;)