
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

welcome to my life, warning: dramatic

Okay, once again (jes, I sound like a broken record) I'm sorry for the lack of posting. I've decided to go with the flow with the whole blogging thing and will post when I feel like it, so ignore me if I don't post for weeks at a time and then do loads together! To be honest there has been nothing to post about and have been feeling to lazy to do one on books or music or general topics indetail.

Really though this is getting beyond a joke.... My so called friend, the Mad One, is still not talking to me for no fucking reason, and I swear its like having a break-up, times ten! (Well, I suppose I am in no position to imagine a breakup, having never had a proper boyfriend.)But anyhow.... It really hurts, my already teenage moodswings are even more noticably fluxuating between really sad (I will NOT use the word depressed, as i believe it to be over used out of context and therefore has lost its meaning) and pure anger. How could she do it to me? I have tried so many times to ring her or text her or mail her, but she wont answer or respond. It has been a full month since she has ceased to acknowledge any words that I speak to her. I have asked the other girls have I upset or offended her in anyway or has she decided she doesn't want to be friends with me, but they are as clueless as I am, accept the BFF who insists on telling me the Mad One is talking to me. I think she knows why. I have asked her, but she just wont tell me and denys everything.

I am so sick of this bitchy shit. I'm so fucking sick of teenage girls!

Seriously, we're Bitches....

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