
Friday, July 16, 2010

hey guys!

Hey guys, finally returned to blogger! Sorry for the absence, there was just nothing to post about. Trust me, you would not have wanted to hear my boring, mundane ramblings. Well anyhow, I'm back, I' bad, and I'm web-wide baby!;) Sorry to all the peoples' blogs I follow, I haven't read them in my absence, but am planning a long catch up after this post.

Anyway I have read a couple of really good books lately, and plan to give some in depth detail to those, the ones I didn't like also. OMG ECLIPSE MOVIE!Did you all see it!? What can I say, the films will never measure up to the books, but definately the best film so far. Kristen really came over as Bella, much better than in the previous two movies, which I didn't like her in. She had the attitude and the emotional portrayal of Bella's feelings toward Edward and Jacobwithout being like a lovesick puppy. And the wolf pack!:O Hott! But I'm not here to talk about them, I'm neutral, like Switzerland!

I'm also looking for a new layout, but I can't get one that's just right! Any names of websites with good layouts would be appreciated!!

Best go, lots to do!

LadyBug x


  1. Still need to watch this, though i have to say im hearing good things about it so far. But im tryna stay neutral and keep an open mind

  2. Cool! sorry i never followed your blog after you followed mine! I clicked on your name and your blog didn't come up, so i clicked on your name after you commented.

    For layouts go to http://thecutestblogontheblock.com/ or http://hotbliggityblog.com/ http://shabbyblogs.com/

    All of them are great!

    <3 <3

  3. I'm trying to figure out blog layouts for mine too. Still looking.

  4. Hmm. .I'm quite lazy when it comes to blog backgrounds. I got mine from the template designer in blogger ^^



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